
Blog Entries by "Amy Jennings ”

Circle of Control

February 03, 2022

Chances are you have been affected by a school or childcare closure, lack of staff at the workplace or have had to quarantine because of the rise in COVID-19 infections in the last month. The uncertainty can be exhausting, especially after two years of a pandemic. There are, however, things we can focus on to help find balance with feelings of reassurance and confidence.

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Help for Holiday Gatherings

December 20, 2021

Throughout the pandemic it has been important to find joy and connection in new ways, and with high transmission and hospitalization rates in our area, it’s still important to remember a few tips for gathering safely. Setting expectations, testing, getting vaccinated, staying outside when possible, and letting people know if you tested positive for COVID-19 after the event are all ways to help make your gatherings safer.

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Washington State Quitline

December 02, 2021

If you're ready to quit using tobacco products such as cigarettes, vapes, or chew, you might be curious about what that process looks like. You might even have questions about setting a quit day or avoiding temptations and cravings after the fact.

All these questions are normal, and the good news is that the Washington State Quitline has been an available resource for tobacco users for the last 20 years. However, many people are unaware of what actually happens when they call the Quitline. We want to eliminate some of that stress and offer you insight because we know choosing to quit tobacco is a big deal.

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COVID-19 Vaccine for Kids 5-11

November 04, 2021

Parents across the country are breathing a sigh of relief that a COVID-19 vaccine is now approved for emergency use in kids aged 5-11. We understand how exciting it is. It’s true that, overall, children have seen less severe cases of COVID-19 than adults, but that doesn’t mean they are not at risk. The question for any medical intervention should never be whether it is perfect, but rather does the benefit of the treatment outweigh the risks. In this case, multiple agencies with the most qualified professionals across the United States have almost unanimously agreed that yes, COVID-19 poses much more of a risk to our children than vaccination.

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